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Gift Baskets

Gift Baskets


The Ultimate Cheese Basket
149.99$ tx included


Everything But The Kitchen Sink
199.99$ tx included


-5 Cheeses

-Kurtzies Artisial Salami 250g

-Box of Carrs or Kasseler Crackers

-Saltspring Island Kitchen Jelly 125g

-Gourmet Olives 250g

-Copperpot Nuts Gourmet Nuts 200g

-Altitude Coffee Roasters Chocolate Covered Coffee Beans 90g

-Efferve Lemonade in glass bottle from France 750ml


Wrapped in a beautiful gift basket and tied with a bow

Gift tag included






-5 Cheeses

-Kurtzies Artisanal Salami 250g

-Cacciatorie 125g

-Box of Carrs of Kasseler Crackers

-Box of Joystyxs Breadsticks

-Saltspring Island Kitchen Jelly 125g

-Rosewood Estates Winery Wildflower Honey 125g

-Gourmet Olives 250g

-Cornichons 500ml

-Charcuterie Mustard 135g

-Copperpot Nuts Gourmet Nuts

-Altitude Coffee Roasters Chocolate Covered Coffee Beans

-Efferve Lemonde in glass bottle from France


Wrapped in a beautiful gift basket and tied with a bow

Gift tag included



*Please inform your cheese artist of allergies or requests when ordering*
Baskets must be ordered at least 24 hours in advance

*Please inform your cheese artist of allergies or requests when ordering*
Baskets must be ordered at least 24 hours in advance

Gift Boxes

Gift Boxes


The Mini Host
starting at 30.00$ tx included


The Cheese Lover 
starting at 50.00$ tx included


-1 cheese

-1 Kurtzie Artisanal Salami 125g

-Box of Carrs or Kasselar Crackers


* 1 extra cheese 15.00$


Wrapped in a gable box and tied with a bow

Gift tag included

*Please inform your cheese artist of allergies or requests when ordering*
Boxes must be booked at least 24 hours in advance


-3 cheeses

-Box of Carrs or Kasselar Crackers


* 1 extra cheese 15.00$

* 2 extra cheese 30.00$


Wrapped in our pink gift boxes and tied with a bow

Gift tag included

*Please inform your cheese artist of allergies or requests when ordering*
Boxes must be booked at least 24 hours in advance


The Perfect Mix
starting at 75.00$ tx included


-3 cheeses 

-1 Kurtzie Artisan Salami 250g

-Gourmet Olives 250g 

-Box of Carrs or Kasselar Crackers


* add on Copperpot gourmet nuts 7.50$ 


Wrapped in our pink gift boxes and tied with a bow

Gift tag included


*Please inform your cheese artist of allergies or requests when ordering*
Boxes must be booked at least 24 hours in advance

Custom Gift Wrapping

Gift Wrapping

Gift Bag 
2.50$ tx included 


Gift Box
5.00$ tx included

Custom gift wrapping available in shop . Pick your selection of goodies and we will gift wrap them in our pretty pink bags with tissue paper and tied with a bow.

Gift tag included 

* Please come in and book your custom gift bags at least 24hrs in advance

Custom gift wrapping available in shop.Pick your selection of goodies and we will gift wrap them in our signature pink boxes with stuffing, tissue paper and tied with a bow.

Gift tag included

* Please come in and book your custom gift boxes at least 24hrs in advance

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